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What's Happening

8/13/24- I have completed or written another 3 songs since my last note. I didn't go to Sturgis this year. I guess no one wanted me. I have been going back over my songs and re-doing vocals and doing remixes so I could get them into streaming sites. I still have no one to play music with. I am not sure why. No one will say. I can only assume nobody likes my stuff or they just don't want to play originals. There are countless cover bands here and it seems that that is what people want to hear; a bunch of different bands playing the same songs. Oh well, so goes life.


5/5/24- My ambition after coming back from Sturgis last August was to finish my last show for the year and go into the studio and finish a bunch of songs that I had started. I have finished 18 songs since last September and I am pretty happy about that. 12 of those were songs I had started, some since 2021, and 6 new ones. I am now down to 4 that I started this year. Sometimes they just pour out and other times I really have to work at them, but they keep coming.


3/22/24- I just finished up a song that I have been working on since the beginning of this month. It is in memory of Laken Riley, the young grad student in Georgia, who was brutally murdered in February. The whole incident, as well as every other one that is occurring in this country, breaks my heart. I can't even imagine the heartache her family is going through. It is entitled, The Dreams are Blowing Gently, and can be found on the 'New Releases' page.

I have also been working with a young singer/songwriter with some of her music. I have been adding additional instruments to her acoustic guitar accompaniment. One of them is also on the new releases page, entitled Destination to the Light. We have collaborated on another song entitled, Angles of the Ocean, which hopefully will be released very soon.


2/14/24- I have been writing the daylights out of songs since I got back from Sturgis. I just sent in my application for copyright on 10 songs for my 'Architect of Destruction' album, which is now my 8th album. I have also started collaborating with a gentleman named Jim Pennington. He makes some fabulous videos. He also is a songwriter and musician. We just finished the official version of one his songs, entitled 'Undeserving'. Jim did all of the video and graphic work. I wrote the lyrics, did the vocals and added bass guitar to it. I think it came out very well. When they get removed from the 'New Releases' page, they can be found on the 'Audio' or 'Video' pages. I hope you have a great life.


10/19/23- Carrie and I got a used popup camper recently and I have been working to set it up for my touring so that Carrie has a comfortable place to stay when we go. It is just about ready. Carrie and I took it on a test camping trip to see how it would work. We had a great time and the camper worked really well. There are a few items we need to modify and as time goes on, I am sure there will be a few more. 


9/22/23- It has been almost 2 months since I left for my performances in Sturgis, South Dakota. That has been one of my favorite experiences to date. It was great to play so many shows for so many people. But that being over, it is time to do some studio work. I have 15 songs that need to be finished. 3 of them from 2021. Carrie's bother, Doug, has graciously agreed to collaborate with me, to do an album, with 10 of them. Hopefully, by the time Spring comes around and the time to start setting up some tours, it will be finished. 

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